Why, thank you…

We humbly asked for feedback, from anyone who has a shared experience with Wynne in a business consulting capacity and felt comfortable offering some…

I’m honored beyond measure by these words.

“There are few people in this world that I admire and respect more than Wynne. An ever-present support system for myself and my business, she is always there with an ear to listen. Beyond her ability to engage in this way, she is always dropping little nuggets of advice and floating ideas my direction. If there is ever a moment where she sees an opportunity to support someone or something...she does it. It seems like every time we talk she’s dreaming up something for me...or telling me she’s got something in the works for someone else. You need this woman in your life. She is invaluable. “

- A.K., Business Owner

“Wynne has been an amazing source of legal knowledge, small business connections, support and encouragement to me personally and to our community. She is always looking to connect and promote small business owners and their products/services without having an ulterior motive or even a direct benefit to herself. I’ve always known Wynne to have an inclusive mentality about businesses helping each other rather than competing, which has been so refreshing and helpful while navigating my own small business journey. Wynne has an ability to believe in people and promote them in ways I’ve rarely seen.”

- B.F., Business Owner

“Wynne has helped me way too often, honestly. She’s understanding, easy to talk to and beyond intelligent. I’ve gone to her with contract work, copyright work, connections for a therapist for my podcast, connections with women in other fields. She doesn’t just send a couple of names. She sends full Xcel sheets with names, contact info and more. She even sent me baby gear suggestions and tips for my trip to Ireland… I mean c’mon! She’s amazing.”

- F.G., Radio Show Personality 

“Wynne helped me through a very unique business transition, when a Hollywood celebrity purchased my business name. Wynne handles everything with such grace and professionalism. I know I can always count on Wynne to carefully listen and deeply care for the health of my business.”

- M.R., Videographer and Producer

“Wynne has a magical ability to show up when you didn’t even know you needed her, with everything you didn’t know you needed. She’s sincerely sincere, which is rarer than rare.”

- N.M., Author and Business Owner

“Wynne is the ultimate connector. Are you looking to ramp up a new business? Wynne knows just who you should talk to within your new industry to get you started. Are you looking for investors to help finance a new project? Wynne will connect you to the right person. Are you thinking about adding a business partner to your creative strategy? Wynne can help brainstorm who might be a good fit. ….. Bottomline is that anytime I need something (or someone) for my small business but don’t know where to start, I start by asking Wynne. Her experience and true heart for connecting the right people make her both exceptionally good at knowing who and what to connect but also it’s done with a love for the humans she is connecting which adds a personal element that you truly can’t find anywhere else.”

- M.O., Business Owner

“You believed in me before I truly felt confident that I could do this. You’ve been more than a cheerleader. I can’t think of the word yet…”

- L.A., Business Owner

“Wynne is there for anyone and everyone. If you have an issue, need advice or a connection she always has an ear to listen, advice to offer or a connection to help you with your business. During the COVID-19 pandemic she has given us legal advice on our contracts, how to manage certain client accounts and how to move forward in the situations we were facing. She is a go to on so many fronts and vital to the success of our business!”

- J.J., Business Owner

“What an incredible person. Wynne is someone who truly sees people and truly cares. Her motivation clearly comes from a place of not just finding a solution, but also creating long term sustainable impact for good. I am constantly blown away by her heart and the ability she has to care for people’s needs whether they know she’s taking care of them or if they don’t. Truly grateful, and truly blessed to know her! “

- B.D., Videographer and Producer

“Wynne connected me with the purchaser of my business!!”

- K.P., Dreamer, Former-Business Owner

“I remember knowing OF you prior to meeting you IRL (at Alchemy!). I had heard you were an entrepreneurial person, although once I met you, I immediately knew that was an understatement. You are an entrepreneurial force of nature!! You helped me think through various aspects of my new business venture with genuine interest, patience, and excitement. Working with you provided so much encouragement and peace of mind during a time that I was nervous and even naive as to what a small business entails. I would have been lost without your wisdom and guidance! Even though I’ve moved on from that venture, I look forward to the day when I start another and can call you immediately!”

- K.M., Business Owner

“Wynne is that voice of reason and support when no one else will listen or take the time. She gives advice without judgement and doses out a soft reality check to some of the dreamers while still allowing them to dream big. There are times I have had a problem that felt so big there was no solution and Wynne took the time to problem solve and find that solution. In any uncertain times, Wynne is someone you want on your side because she has seen the hard situations from all angles and knows how to move forward for the benefit of you and your business.”

- K.B., Business Owner

“Wynne's impact on me has been profound.  Wynne is thoughtful, purposeful and caring in all of her work and how she shows up in every relationship.  Where trust can often be difficult to find in many areas of life, you can count on Wynne to uphold the highest levels of integrity in all of her work and relationships. And on top of that she makes dreams come true.  I am so glad she is part of my dream team in life and in business!”

- Dr. J.C., Psychologist

“When I first started my business the best advice I received was from Wynne. I knew my vision and plan but didn’t know the legal pieces or steps to take to set up my business with the State and needed some guidance. Wynne’s instructions were perfect and her counsel solid. Her willingness to have a phone chat and provide step by step instructions without a cost was appreciated but ultimately sealed her as my go to person for anything legal.Wynne was a wonderful cheerleader and was gracious enough to offer to post one of my achievements on her stories.Wynne connected me to Chiro for Moms which has been a great account to follow as I’m in the same industry and appreciate seeing what others are doing.The Banff retreat was amazing and you could feel the warmth and careful attention echoed the same qualities Wynne personifies.Wynne surrounds herself with pretty amazing people, that says enough about the kind of person she is.”

- R.G., Personal Wellness and Chiropractic Care

“Wynne has been there as a friend and Connector to many. Her heart lends itself to problem solve and help whenever and wherever she can. Though I could go on about connections she’s made for others, those she has made for me, to name a few - connecting me to a videographer to help me in editing material which led to major problem solving, connecting me to an accountant (need I say more there), connecting me to clients needing my photography services who were my ideal clients and led to long relationships and continued revenue, connecting me to a painter and custom closet builder when we needed to move into a new home and best of all - connecting me to people who she knew I would just “click” with who have become forever friends.”

- L.R., Photographer

“I’ve loved dreaming of ways to make Excelsior greater. You’ve been the best confidant I could ever ask for during the wedding process. I can always count on you. I love our times in the shop with Teddy (and soon to be Charlie) just sitting on the floor and chatting. Xoxo”

- C.L., Boutique Owner

“Wynne has been a constant support, a guide, a friend, an inspiration and beyond, since I met her almost 5 years ago. She wears her heart on her sleeve and truly is in service to every one of her clients. I could not be more appreciative of all that she has done for me and for my business! xoxo”

- R.S., Business Owner

“We first met over coffee at Rustica and I could tell you were a good person first and foremost. After we decided to hire you, you showed us support at the Farmers Markets, on social media, and even sent your hubby to buy some jars. It’s clear you’re not in your business to get rich but to help people achieve their dreams and that says everything about your character.”

- J.W., Business Owner

“Wynne, you are the female strong and independent voice that has helped me when my emotions have taken over my sense of reason. I’m grateful for the perspective you bring to challenging situations. Our moments together have been random over the years, but one of my favorite memories is sitting in the bathtub with you and Tess solving all of the worlds problems. Xo 🌸”

- E.F., Dreamer

“The best thing I like/love about Wynne is her honesty. She is not going to steer someone down a wrong path for her own personal gain. She genuinely wants to help others succeed before herself. Wynne will also tell you the best risk/benefit answer to your circumstances. Which I greatly appreciate as a creative/business owner.”

- S.D., Business Owner

“Wynne, you have connected me to some wonderful clients over the years and also given me the opportunity to help others. You’re always so quick to lend your supportive voice and to add value to others. I’m grateful for your professional support of me and so many I care about.”

- D.M., Business Owner, Real Estate Professional

“Wynne is absolutely the person you want to dream alongside. Forget “yes, but” ... Wynne is a “yes, and” person. She will help your idea feel valid, for sure, but bigger than that she will help *you* feel capable and strong and brilliant. Not because she uses fluffy words or is faking it - she takes the time to get to know you and your story and genuinely means what she says. I can’t imagine a better person to be on your team!”

- J.B., Photographer

“Wynne is one of the most genuine people I know. She not only listens, she truly cares about my business. And almost more importantly, she cares about me as an individual, as well. She is extremely intelligent in addition to being tremendously creative. Her ability to utilize both these skills makes her one of the best strategic problem solvers I know. With a huge heart. I utterly enjoy working with Wynne. She has become not only vital to the success of my business, but she has become a friend.”

- S.G., Business Owner

“Kind, smart, graceful, focused, fierce, strong, philanthropic, friend. These are just a few words I would use to describe Wynne. We have worked together professionally for a few years now and have become good friends. She is exactly the person you want in your corner, supporting you, fighting for you, laughing with you, crying with you through all the good, the bad and the ugly. She is a rare genuine gem in this world and I am so grateful for her!”

- J.M. Business Owner

“When I asked you to help me understand the ins and outs of starting my non profit, you gently paved the pathway and provided me some courage when I most needed it. You are, without a doubt, one of my rocks, Wynne! Xo”

- G.Z., Founder of Non-Profit Organization

“Wynne is responsive, compassionate and goes to great lengths to connect and support those around her. She’s a wealth of knowledge and time after time shows up and extends those gifts and resources to those who need it. She goes above and beyond for others and has a way [of] building community and bringing people together.”

- K.S., Educator

“I listened to you speak at a BA women event and I was so inspired and moved by your guidance and life experiences. I have continued to follow your personal and professional life through social media and just think you are an incredible, powerful, loving and kind woman and entrepreneur.”

- M.G., Entrepreneur

“With warmth, grace and integrity, Wynne exemplifies what it means to be a strong woman, inclusive collaborator and brilliant visionary. Thank you for helping me get through a tough couple of months and connecting me with a new career that I absolutely love so much. It was truly the perfect match.”

- A.M., Former Business Owner, Venue Manager

“Helped me by answering questions about the possibility of franchising my business. I felt confident reaching out to Wynne when a friend had a partnership question knowing Wynne would help or know who to send her to.”

- E.K., Boutique Owner

“After my first meeting with Wynne, I went from having constant anxiety about my business to feeling so confident in my policies and processes! It has been SO great having her in my corner and knowing that I have someone to help me through my business troubles and to be an advocate. Forever thankful for this connection!!”

- G.G., Business Owner

“There are countless times I have called Wynne in a bind and she is always my biggest advocate- even if it means telling me the hard truth of things for my own good. I know that I will always have someone in my corner looking out for me both legally and as a friend. What more could you ask for as a business owner.”

- R.F., Business Owner

“The wheels are always turning in Wynne’s mind. She catalogs and files useful information about her friends and clients and is able to pull out helpful connections regularly. She will often come to me with ideas or thoughts on my business that are valuable and usually from an angle I hadn’t previously considered. She genuinely wants everyone to thrive in their chosen field and will work to achieve that goal.”

- E.D., Business Owner

“Wynne is a super-connector. Of people, business ideas, everything! I feel I can come to Wynne with anything on my mind and she provides sound advice and guidance, or points me in the direction I need to go. She is a trusted friend, intelligent business owner and all around good human.”

- A.R., Dreamer, Adventurer, Business Owner

“Authentic, approachable, connected, delivers, kind.”

- P.M., Entrepreneur

“[Wynne’s] had tons of info and delivered in a compassionate, calm way that has helped alleviate some anxiety. You’ve made me feel I can trust you, without having even met you.”

- J.G., Photographer

“Nothing is too big or too small for Wynne. If it means something to you, same for her.”

- A.B., Bakeshop Owner

“I have loved working with Wynne! She’s been so easy to work with and knowledgeable.”

- A.G., Interior Designer and Consultant